Iraqi Libraries Ransacked by Islamic State Group in Mosul – ABC News

“When Islamic State group militants invaded the Central Library of Mosul earlier this month, they were on a mission to destroy a familiar enemy: other people’s ideas.” These people are truly barbarians! The beheadings, the burning of the Jordanian pilot, the killing of anyone who disagrees with them, the treatment of women, the destruction of ancient sites, and now the burning of books. Is there any shred of humanity left in these radicals?

Iraqi Libraries Ransacked by Islamic State Group in Mosul – ABC News.

Mideast Iraq Libraries In Danger

One thought on “Iraqi Libraries Ransacked by Islamic State Group in Mosul – ABC News

  1. Apparently we’re supposed to be “bombing” these people, but with the way things have been going I swear they’re dropping supplies, not bombs…


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